The Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Accountability (PPBA) framework is the process through which U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) allocates, manages, executes, and evaluates the strategic impact of resources on the agency's mission. VPD is intimately involved in the facilitation of the components of this framework and helps CBP provide real property and compliance solutions and expertise to enhance their mission and operational success. CBP’s Field Operations Facilities (FOF) Program Management Office (PMO) maintains a real estate facilities portfolio comprised of 16.7 million square feet with more than 580 properties containing over 1,800 structures and buildings. This portfolio also includes oversight of facilities leased through the General Services Administration (GSA) or offered as “free space” located at 261 airports of entry, 167 land ports of entry, 203 seaports of entry, 20 field offices, and outlying support and inspectional spaces.
The PPBA process defines the activities necessary for strategically planning, allocating, executing and assessing the Agency’s portfolio of resources - to include people, technology, facilities and support. The activities in each phase of the process produce a coordinated set of resource guidance and execution deliverables. These deliverables enable timely performance and risk-informed resource allocation decisions.
VPD works with CBP in all phases of PPBA in order to integrate the process and ensure successful execution of FOF’s mission and is responsible for establishing priorities and assessing areas for emphasis and de-emphasis (planning), understanding portfolio baseline and prioritizing resources (programming), justifying programming decisions (budgeting), and tracking LOB portfolio progress and advising on any necessary course corrections (accountability).
VPD produces deliverables that directly support or are related to the Capital Facilities Investment Plan (CFIP), DHS Component Capital Investment Plan, Resource Allocation Plan (RAP), Office of Management and Budget Justification (OMBJ), OMB Passback - CBP Appeals, Congressional Justification (CJ)/President’s Budget (PB) & Briefings, Requirements Build and Procurement Plans (Financial Plan), DHS Real Property Program Management Review & Assessment (PMR) and Spend Plan Requirements Builds.
The PPBA process defines the activities necessary for strategically planning, allocating, executing and assessing the Agency’s portfolio of resources - to include people, technology, facilities and support. The activities in each phase of the process produce a coordinated set of resource guidance and execution deliverables. These deliverables enable timely performance and risk-informed resource allocation decisions.
VPD works with CBP in all phases of PPBA in order to integrate the process and ensure successful execution of FOF’s mission and is responsible for establishing priorities and assessing areas for emphasis and de-emphasis (planning), understanding portfolio baseline and prioritizing resources (programming), justifying programming decisions (budgeting), and tracking LOB portfolio progress and advising on any necessary course corrections (accountability).
VPD produces deliverables that directly support or are related to the Capital Facilities Investment Plan (CFIP), DHS Component Capital Investment Plan, Resource Allocation Plan (RAP), Office of Management and Budget Justification (OMBJ), OMB Passback - CBP Appeals, Congressional Justification (CJ)/President’s Budget (PB) & Briefings, Requirements Build and Procurement Plans (Financial Plan), DHS Real Property Program Management Review & Assessment (PMR) and Spend Plan Requirements Builds.